Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association (2009)

Invited Papers by Topic

Session 6: The Use of Paradata in Federal Government Surveys
Organizer: James M. Dahlhamer, National Center for Health Statistics
Chair: Nancy Bates, U.S. Census Bureau

Modeling the Difference in Interview Characteristics for Different Respondents - John Dixon
Keywords: Survey, paradata, interviewer

An Evaluation of Nonresponse Bias Using Paradata from a Health Survey - Aaron Maitland, Carolina Casas-Cordero, Frauke Kreuter
Keywords: nonresponse, paradata, call record

Subunit Nonresponse in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS): An Exploration Using Paradata - James M. Dahlhamer, Catherine M. Simile
Keywords: Paradata, subunit nonresponse, response propensities, nonresponse bias

Use of Paradata to Manage a Field Data Collection - Robert Groves, William Axinn, James Lepkowski, Nicole Kirgis, William Mosher

Using the Fraction of Missing Information to Monitor the Quality of Survey Data - James Wagner

Session 7: Statistics in the Beltway: From Data to Policy
Organizer: Karol Krotki, RTI International
Chair: Karol Krotki, RTI International

Use of Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Cancer Institute: Estimation of the Number of Deaths Associated with Body Weight - Barry I. Graubard, Katherine Flegal, David Williamson, Mitchell H. Gail

How Numbers Rule: Pitfalls and Practicalities from Health Policy - Joshua Wiener

Using Statistical Analyses to Inform Congressional Decisions - Nancy Kingsbury

Session 46: Handling Survey Case Weights in Model-Based Methods
Organizer: Michael Elliott, University of Michigan
Chair: Sonya Vartivarian, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

A Modeler's Perspective on Survey Weights - Roderick J.A. Little

Accounting for Complex Sample Designs via Mixture Models - Michael Elliott

Power-Shrinkage: An Alternative Method for Dealing with Excessive Weights - Xiao-Li Meng, Naihua Duan, Chih-nan Chen, Margarita Alegria

Session 90: O' Privacy, Where Art Thou? Mapping the Landscape of Data Confidentiality
Organizers: Aleksandra B. Slavkovic, Penn State University, Adam D. Smith, Penn State University
Chair: Aleksandra B. Slavkovic, Penn State University

Rethinking Privacy and Disclosure Limitation from a Cryptographic Perspective - Cynthia Dwork

Rethinking the Risk-Utility Tradeoff Approach to Statistical Disclosure Limitation - Stephen Fienberg

Rethinking Official Statistical Disclosure Limitation Procedures from a Cryptographic Privacy Perspective - John M. Abowd

Session 144: Factors Affecting the Accuracy of the 2008 Presidential Election Polling
Organizer: Paul J. Lavrakas, Consultant
Chair: Trevor Thompson, The Associated Press

Inferences from Matched Samples in the U.S. National Elections from 2004 to 2008 - Douglas Rivers, Delia Bailey
Keywords: sampling, matching, propensity score, surveys

Election Polling Challenges: Cell Phones, the Bradley Effect, and Voter Turnout - Scott Keeter

Methodological Issues in ABC News 2008 Pre-Election Polling - Jennifer Agiesta, Gary Langer, Jon Cohen

Limitations of Recorded-Voice Telephone Polling in Election 2008: Is This Method of Data Collection Doomed in 2012? - Jay H. Level

Session 193: Rigorous Foundations of Data Confidentiality in Statistical Databases
Organizers: Aleksandra B. Slavkovic, Penn State University, Adam D. Smith, Penn State University
Chair: John M. Abowd, Cornell University

Taking the Hard Work Out of Privacy: Interactive Data Analysis with End-to-End Privacy Guarantees for All - Frank McSherry

Integrating Differential Privacy with Statistical Theory - Adam D. Smith

Differentially Private Categorical Data Analysis - Aleksandra B. Slavkovic, Ivan Simeonov, Duy Vu

Valid Statistical Analysis for Logistic Regression with Multiple Sources - Robert Hall, Stephen Fienberg, Yuval Nardi, Aleksandra B. Slavkovic

Session 246: New Developments in Survey Sampling
Organizer: Gauri S. Datta, The University of Georgia
Chair: William R. Bell, U.S. Census Bureau

Cross-Validation in Survey Estimation: Model Selection and Variance Estimation - Jean Opsomer

Bayesian Benchmarking with Applications to Small Area Estimation - Gauri S. Datta, Malay Ghosh, Rebecca Steorts, Jerry J. Maples

A Bayesian Adjustment for a Selection Bias in Genetics - Balgobin Nandram

New Developments in Model-Based Small Area Estimation - Danny Pfeffermann

Session 248: Recent Advances in Small-Area Statistics
Organizer: Ansu Chatterjee, The University of Minnesota
Chair: Parthasarathi Lahiri, University of Maryland

Small Area Estimation for Population Counts in the German Census 2011 - Ralf Munnich, Jan Pablo Burgard, Martin Vogt
Keywords: Census, small area estimation, binomial mixed-models, spatial modeling, census design

Model and Variable Selection in Hierarchical Small Area Models - Michael D. Larsen, Lu Lu

Small Area Estimation Under Fay-Herriot Models with Nonparametric Estimation of Error Variances - Domingo Morales, Wenceslao González-Manteiga, Isabel Molina, María J. Lombardía, Laureano Santamaría

Extended Small Area Models for Analysis of Nonlinear Effects and Extremes - Snigdhansu Chatterjee

Session 342: Bayesian Approaches to Safety, Efficacy, and Health Surveillance
Organizer: Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Harvard Medical School
Chair: Sharon-Lise T. Normand, Harvard Medical School

Small Area Estimation of the Prevalence of Cancer Risk Factors and Screening via Bayesian Methods Using Combined Information from Two Surveys - William Davis, Eric Feuer, Van L. Parsons, Trivellore E. Raghunathan, Nathaniel Schenker, Dawei Xie

The Role of Meta-Analysis in Assessing Adverse Drug Effects - Joel B. Greenhouse

Bayesian Shrinkage Models for Associations Involving Sparse Data - William DuMouchel

Session 347: Memorial for Daniel G. Horvitz: Pioneering Researcher and Visionary Leader
Organizer: Ralph E. Folsom, RTI International
Chair: Ralph E. Folsom, RTI International

Some Generalizations of the Horvitz-Thompson Estimator - James R. Chromy
Keywords: PPS sampling, PPS sequential sampling, PPS systematic sampling, variance approximation

Imputation and Estimation Under NMAR Nonresponse with Limited Covariate Information, Revisited - Danny Pfefferman, Anna Sikov
Keywords: Bootstrap, Calibration, Horvitz-Thompson estimator, Multiple imputation, Nonrespondents distribution, Respondents distribution

Dan Horvitz: His Life and Work as a Statistician - Judith Lessler

Horvitz-Thompson Estimation and Unit Nonresponse - William Kalsbeek, Robert Agans, Abigail Panter

Session 349: Use of Administrative Data in Policymaking
Organizer: Marilyn Seastrom, National Center for Education Statistics
Chair: Katherine K. Wallman, Office of Management and Budget

Use of Income Tax Data of Individuals for Demographic Purposes - Sonia Demers

Register Data Are a Good Backbone but Sometimes Restricted for Policymakers: Experiences from Finland Over Decades - Pekka Myrskyla, Seppo Laaksonen

Session 394: The 2010 Census: Status of the Program, Integrated Communications, Evaluations, and Coverage Measurement
Organizer: Daniel H. Weinberg, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Daniel H. Weinberg, U.S. Census Bureau

Measuring Coverage in the 2010 U.S. Census - Patrick J. Cantwell, Magdalena Ramos, Donna Kostanich
Keywords: Measuring Coverage in the 2010 U.S. Census

Evaluating the 2010 Census - Jennifer W. Reichert

An Integrated Approach to Communications - Kendall Johnson, Tasha Boone

An Overview of Progress on the 2010 Census - Arnold A. Jackson

Session 492: Nonparametric Methods for Small-Area Estimation
Organizer: Jean Opsomer, Colorado State University
Chair: Jean Opsomer, Colorado State University

Robust Small Area Estimation Using Penalized Spline Mixed Models - J. N. K. Rao, S. K. Sinha, M. Roknossadati
Keywords: Bootstrap, mean squared prediction error, outliers, random effects, small area mean, unit level model

Fence Method for Prediction Problems and Its Application in Small Area Estimation - Jiming Jiang, Thuan Nguyen, J. Sunil Rao

Borrowing Strength Over Space in Small Area Estimation: Comparing Local and Spline-Based M-Quantile Models with Spatial Autoregressive Random Effects Models - Nikos Tzavidis

Design-Based Model Consistent Estimator for the Nested-Error Regression - Tapabrata Maiti, Lixia Diao, Jean Opsomer

Session 573: Nonparametric Regression Estimators in Survey Sampling
Organizer: Daniell Toth, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair: John L. Eltinge, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Nonparametric Regression and the Two Sample Problem - Alan H. Dorfman
Keywords: inclusion probabilities, post-stratification, model-based, model-assisted, bandwidth choice, twicing

Nonparametric Regression Estimators in Survey Sampling - Sharon Lohr, Guillermo Mendez

Penalized Balanced Sampling: Nonparametric Guidance for Survey Design - Jay Breidt, Guillaume Chauvet

Session 579: Using National Center for Health Statistics Data to Study Access to Health Care
Organizer: Jane F. Gentleman, National Center for Health Statistics
Chair: Jane F. Gentleman, National Center for Health Statistics

Using the National Health Interview Survey to Monitor Health Insurance and Access to Care - Robin A. Cohen
Keywords: Health insurance, Access to care, Consumer-directed health care, National Health Interview Survey

Health care access data for children and adolescents from the National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs and the National Survey of Children's Health - Rosa Avila
Keywords: Access to care, Children, Children with Special Health Care Needs, National Survey of Children's Health, National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs

Access to Care and Objective Measures of Health: Results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) - Vicki L. Burt, Lester R. Curtin, Clifford Johnson, Cindy Zhang

Using the National Health Care Surveys to Monitor Use and Access to Health Care - Nancy Sonnenfeld, Sandra L. Decker

Contributed Papers by Topic

Session 14: Data Confidentiality: Do We Really Want to Disturb a Sleeping Bear?
Organizer: Ofer Harel, University of Connecticut
Chair: Ofer Harel, University of Connecticut

Bayesian Multiscale Multiple Imputation with Implications to Data Confidentiality - Scott Holan, Daniell Toth, Marco A.R. Ferreira, Alan F. Karr

Summary of Methods and Preliminary Assessment of the SIPP Synthetic Beta, Version 5.0 - Gary Benedetto, Martha Stinson, Melissa Bjelland

Responsible Data Releases - Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Ofer Harel, Michael Zuba, Gregory Matthews, Rob Aseltine

Examining the Robustness of Fully Synthetic Data Techniques for Data with Binary Variables - Gregory Matthews, Ofer Harel, Rob Aseltine

Session 18: Hot Research Projects: A Taste of the Future for Future Government Statisticians
Organizer: Kevin Cecco, IRS
Chair: Kevin Cecco, IRS

Statistical Consulting Within the Internal Revenue Service - Ronald Walsh, Rachael Hooker
Keywords: Statistical Consulting, Customer Interaction, Problem Solving

A Fresh Approach to Agricultural Statistics: Data Mining and Remote Sensing - Darcy Miller, Jaki McCarthy, Audra Zakzeski
Keywords: Data Mining, Remote Sensing, Cropland Data Layer, Estimation, Weighting

OnTheMap: An Innovative Mapping Tool - Matthew Graham, Heath Hayward

Recent Developments in Internet Data Collection Methods Used at EIA - Grace E. ONeill

Session 19: The Impact of Mode and Other Factors on Data Quality
Organizer: Maxine M. Denniston, CDC
Chair: Andrew White, National Center for Education Statistics

Correlates of Data Quality in the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey - Jennifer Edgar, Jeffrey M. Gonzalez
Keywords: Data quality, data processing, imputation, measurement error, paradata, processing error

Comparison of Web-Based versus Paper-and-Pencil Administration of the YRBS: Participation, Data Quality, and Perceived Privacy and Confidentiality by Mode of Data Collection - Maxine M. Denniston, Nancy D. Brener, Laura Kann, Danice K. Eaton, Tim McManus, Tonja M. Kyle, Alice M. Roberts, Katherine H. Flint, James G. Ross

Mode Effects and Data Quality on a Survey of New Businesses - David DesRoches

Session 55: Consortium of Sections Student Paper Awards
Organizer: Mansour Fahimi, Marketing Systems Group
Chair: Mary Gray, American University

Extended Bootstrap Bias Corrections with Application to Multilevel Modeling of Survey Data Under Informative Sampling - Solange Corrêa
Keywords: Bias correction, Bootstrap, Sample distribution, Probability weighting

Adaptive Hierarchical Bayes Estimation of Small-Area Proportions - Benmei Liu
Keywords: Proportions, random effects, Exponential Power distribution

Using Multivariate Spatial Statistics in the Modeling of Rate-Based Diffusion Processes: An Extension and Replication of Cohen and Tita - Jeremy R. Porter

The Prior Selection and Approximations for the Nested Error Regression Model: Estimation of Finite Population Mean for Small Areas - Santanu Pramanik

The Generalized ANOVA: A Classic Song Sung with Modern Lyrics - Hui Zhang, Hua He, Qin Yu, Rui Chen, Naiji Lu, Xin M. Tu

Session 60: Overview of Recent Statistical and Methodological Research in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)
Organizer: Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Chair: Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Evaluation of PPS Sampling for the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Steven R. Machlin, William Yu, Robert M. Baskin
Keywords: MEPS, complex multi-stage sampling, PPS sampling, effective sample size

Evaluation of Design Effects for Selected Estimates in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - David Kashihara, Marc Zodet, Trena M. Ezzati-Rice
Keywords: survey efficiency, subgroup over-sampling, sample redesign

Assessment and Evaluation of Nonresponse Error in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey - Lap-Ming Wun, Trena M. Ezzati-Rice, David Kashihara
Keywords: nonresponse, bias, covariates, auxiliary variables, association

Event Reporting in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) by Type - Frederick Rohde
Keywords: survey quality, response accuracy, panel survey, simulation

Comparison of Imputation Adjustment Techniques on Variance Estimation in the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) - Robert M. Baskin, Robert E. Fay
Keywords: Fractionally weighted imputation, variance estimation, Rao-Shao adjustment, survey data

Session 99: Novel Applications of Linear Models in Surveys
Organizer: Roderick J.A. Little, University of Michigan
Chair: Roderick J.A. Little, University of Michigan

Model-based Approach to Small Area Estimation of Disability counts and rates using Data from the 2006 Participation and Activity Limitation Survey - Valérie Bizier, Yong You, Lucie Veilleux, Chantal Grondin
Keywords: Small area estimation, Disability counts and rates, Log linear unmatched model, Gibbs sampling method

Some Methods of Model-Based Sampling - Sung-Joon Hong, So-Hyung Park, Sun-Woong Kim, Hong-Yup Ahn, Steven G. Heeringa
Keywords: regression superpopulation model, average variance, optimization, design variance, stability of variance estimator, maximum likelihood, restricted maximum likelihood

Ratio Estimation of the Mean with Unequal Probability Samples: Hansen, Madow, and Tepping Revisited - Fotios Kokkotos, Roderick J.A. Little

Modified Ratio Estimators in Simple Random Sampling - Evrim Oral, Cem Kadilar

An Introduction to Pre-sampling Inference - Stephen Woodruff

Session 106: Longitudinal Individual Income Tax Return Sample Design and Analysis and Other Individual Income Tax Return Research
Organizer: Michael Weber, IRS
Chair: Thomas Petska, IRS

Redesign of SOI's Individual Income Tax Return Edited Panel Sample - Yan K. Liu, Gerald Auten, Valerie Testa, Michael Strudler
Keywords: Cross-sectional estimation, longitudinal analysis, panel sample, sample size allocation, stratified sample

Analysis of the Distributions of Income, Taxes, and Horizontal and Vertical Equity Using Cross-Section and Panel Data from Individual Tax Returns - Michael Strudler, Thomas Petska, Ryan Petska
Keywords: Income distribution, income and tax shares, tax burden, Gini coefficient

Getting to Know US Taxpayers: Selected Tax Data by Occupation and Industry, Tax Years 2003--2005 - Terry Nuriddin, Mary Jezek, Mario Fernandez
Keywords: Tax Return, Occupation, Industry

Using Sample Data to Reduce Nonsampling Error in State-Level Estimates Produced from Tax Records - Kimberly Henry, Partha Lahiri, and Jana Scali
Keywords: Survey sampling, Administrative Records, Indirect Estimators

Can Taxpayer Characteristics Determine the Possibility of Filing Future Tax Returns? - Victoria Bryant

Session 152: The NHIS Linked Data Files: A Data Resource for Health Outcomes to Health Policy
Organizer: Kimberly Lochner, National Center for Health Statistics
Chair: Christine S. Cox, National Center for Health Statistics

Socioeconomic Differences in Life Expectancy - Kimberly Lochner, Van L. Parsons, Nathaniel Schenker, Gloria Wheatcroft, Elsie R. Pamuk

Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data to Build Imputational Models to Adjust Survey Estimates of Medicaid Coverage - Michael Davern, Jacob A. Klerman, Jeanette K. Ziegenfuss

Are Expenditures Higher for Those Entering Medicare at Age 65 Having Been Previously Uninsured? - Sandra L. Decker, Jalpa A. Doshi, Amy E. Knaup, Daniel E. Polsky

One More Step: NHIS-Linked Mortality Data Combined with EPA Air Quality Data - Jennifer D. Parker, Nataliya Kravets, Kimberly Lochner, Tracey Woodruff

Session 154: Improving Coverage Intervals for Survey-Weighted Estimates
Organizer: Phillip S. Kott, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Chair: Jill A. Dever, RTI International

Speeding Up the Asymptotics When Constructing One-Sided Coverage Intervals for Survey-Weighted Estimates - Phillip S. Kott, Yan K. Liu
Keywords: Audit data, randomization-based, skewness, stratified sample design, Wald interval

Estimation Using Gaussian Replicates of the Pivotal Based on Weighted Quasi-Score Vector - A.C. Singh, C.J.J. Nadeau
Keywords: Taylor Variance Estimate; Wald Interval Estimate; Estimating Function Based MCMC

Empirical Likelihood--Based Calibration Methods for Missing Data Problems - Jing Qin

Session 155: American Community Survey: Design and Usability Issues
Organizer: Michael Beaghen, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Rachel Harter, NORC at the University of Chicago

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the American Community Survey Family Equalization Project - Mark E. Asiala
Keywords: raking, iterative proportional fitting, weighting

Using Subcounty Estimates as Controls in Weighting for the American Community Survey - Keith A. Albright
Keywords: weighting, population controls, raking

Usability of the American Community Survey Estimates of the Group Quarters Population for Substate Geographies - Michael Beaghen, Sharon Stern
Keywords: sample design, estimation, ACS, GQ

Assessment of Data Release Rules on the Reliability of Multi-Year Estimates in American Community Survey Data Products - Michael D. Starsinic
Keywords: American Community Survey, Estimate reliability, Filtering

Options for Allocating the American Community Survey Sample - Don Keathley, Steven P. Hefter

Session 206: Response Strategies for Establishment Surveys in the Economic Programs Directorate, U.S. Census Bureau
Organizer: Ruth E. Detlefsen, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Shirin A. Ahmed, U.S. Census Bureau

Response Improvement Strategies for the 2007 Economic Census - Shirin A. Ahmed, Ruth E. Detlefsen
Keywords: Economic Census, response rates, Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART)

Improving Response Rates for the 2007 Census of Government Employment - Kerstin Edwards, Kenneth Long, Jr., Carma Hogue, Grace O'Neill
Keywords: Response rates, survey methods, establishment surveys, non-response

Strategies to Improve Response Rates for Current Economic Programs - Robert J. Reinard, John P. Miller
Keywords: Response, Current Industrial Reports, Annual Wholesale Trade Survey

Session 207: Challenges Related to The American Community Survey Three-Year Estimates
Organizer: Anthony Tersine, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: Lars Lyberg, Statistics Sweden

Improving the utility of 3-year ACS data: A Transportation Perspective - Elaine Murakami, Ed Christopher
Keywords: 3-year ACS, Transportation Planning Data, Census Data Utility

Evaluating the Age Dimension at the PUMA Level in the Three-Year Estimates from the American Community Survey - Joseph J. Salvo, Arun Peter Lobo, Adam L. Willett, Joel A. Alvarez
Keywords: ACS population controls, age/sex distribution, sub-county controls

The Quality of ACS Estimates for Small Population Groups - Alfredo Navarro, Michael D. Starsinic

Session 257: Using SUDAAN for Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
Organizer: Angela Pitts, RTI International
Chair: Rick Williams, RTI International

Using Survey Data to Investigate Changes Over Time in Health Indicators - Donna J. Brogan

Weighting Methods for Population-Based Case-Control Study with Complex Sampling - Yan Li, Barry I. Graubard, Ralph DiGaetano

Using Projection Splines to Explore Racial Differences in Gestational Age Distribution Among Very Low-Risk Women - Nedra Whitehead, Jun Liu, Lei Li, Jason Hsia

Log-Linear Modeling of Health Services Use in a Sample Survey - John S. Preisser, Thomas A. Arcury

Session 258: Redesign of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Balancing Data Needs, Costs, and Methodological Considerations
Organizer: Jonaki Bose, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Chair: Joe Gfroerer, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

A Model-Based Method for Estimating Serious Mental Illness Using Household Interview Data Combined with Clinical Interviews - Lisa Colpe, Jeremy Aldworth

What Is 'Misuse' of Prescription Drugs, and How Do We Measure It? - James Colliver

Searching for a Gold Standard: Comparisons of NSDUH Data with External Sources to Assess Coverage and Validity - Jonaki Bose, Joe Gfroerer, Deborah Trunzo

Evaluating the reliability of NSDUH data on drug use, mental health and demographics - Joel Kennet, Joe Gfroerer

Session 301: Survey Frame Quality and Coverage
Organizer: Xijian Liu Liu, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair: James Farber, U.S. Census Bureau

A National Evaluation of Coverage for a Sampling Frame Based on the Master Address File (MAF) - Clifford L. Loudermilk, Mei Li
Keywords: Master Address File; coverage; sampling frame

Content and Coverage Quality of a Commercial Address List as a National Sampling Frame for Household Surveys - Timothy L. Kennel, Mei Li
Keywords: Residential Mailing Address List, Gross Coverage, USPS, Listing, Sampling Frame, Area Probability Sampling

Examining Blocks With Lister Error in Area Listing - Aliza Kwiat
Keywords: Area listing, error

Impact of MAF-Based Frame Coverage on Survey Estimates - Xijian Liu Liu
Keywords: Coverage Errors, Master Address File, Current Population Survey

Session 355: Efforts to Minimize the Use of Social Security Numbers in Federal Data Collections
Organizer: Marilyn Seastrom, National Center for Education Statistics
Chair: Katherine K. Wallman, Office of Management and Budget

Federal Policy on Collecting and Using Social Security Numbers for Statistical Purposes - Rochelle (Shelly) W. Martinez, John Barkhamer

The Effect on Linkage Rates and Mortality Ascertainment of Partial SSN Matching to the National Death Index - Christine S. Cox, Kimberly Lochner, Stephanie Bartee, Donna Miller, Gloria Wheatcroft

Tracing Survey Respondents Without SSNs - Marilyn Seastrom

Session 357: Analyzing Complex Survey Data Using Auxiliary Variables
Organizer: Daniell Toth, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair: Polly Phipps, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Simultaneous Calibration and Nonresponse Adjustment - Eric V. Slud, Yves Thibaudeau
Keywords: consistency, inclusion probabilities, Lagrange multipliers, linearized variance, objective function, population controls, weight adjustment

Bayesian Inference of Finite Population Distribution Functions and Quantiles from Unequal Probability Samples - Qixuan Chen, Michael Elliott, Roderick J.A. Little

Estimating Variance Components Using Random Forest - Guillermo Mendez, Sharon Lohr

An Adaptive Method for Collapsing Strata Using Regression Trees on Data from a Complex Design - Daniell Toth, John L. Eltinge

Collinearity Diagnostics for Complex Survey Data - Dan Liao

Session 409: Estimation with Nonignorable Missing Data in Survey Sampling
Organizer: Jae-kwang Kim, Iowa State University
Chair: J. Michael Brick, Westat, Inc.

Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis of Incomplete Data Using Pattern-Mixture and Selection Models Through Equivalent Parameterization - Niko Kaciroti, Trivellore E. Raghunathan
Keywords: Bayesian parameterization, Missing not at random, Mixture analysis, Ignorability index, Selection bias, Identifiability

Extensions of Proxy Pattern-Mixture Analysis for Survey Nonresponse - Rebecca R. Andridge, Roderick J.A. Little
Keywords: Nonignorable nonresponse, Nonresponse bias, Missing data, Survey data, Bayesian methods

A semi-parametric approach to fractional imputation for nonignorable missing data - Jae Kwang Kim, Cindy Long Yu
Keywords: Follow up, Not missing at random, Survey Sampling.

Semiparametric Estimation for Longitudinal Data with Nonignorable Nonmonotone Missing Responses - Jun Shao, Deyuan Jiang

Session 512: Recent Developments in Address-Based Sampling Methodologies
Organizer: Mansour Fahimi, Marketing Systems Group
Chair: Mansour Fahimi, Marketing Systems Group

Recruiting Probability-Based Web Panel Members Using an Address-Based Sample Frame: Results from a Pilot Study Conducted by Knowledge Networks - Charles DiSogra, Mario Callegaro, Erlina Hendarwan
Keywords: Address-based sample, KnowledgePanel, mixed-mode response

Coverage Rates and Coverage Bias in Housing Unit Frames - Ned English, Colm O'Muircheartaigh, Katie Dekker, Michael Latterner, and Stephanie Eckman
Keywords: Address-based samples, delivery sequence file, National Children‟s Study

Methodological Issues in the Conversion from RDD to Address-Based Sampling - Michael Link, Gail Daily, Charles Shuttles

Address-Based Sampling and the 2008 American National Election Survey: A New Paradigm for In-Person Household Surveys - Jamie L. Ridenhour, Vincent G. Iannacchione, Bonnie Shook-Sa, Joseph P. McMichael

Using Address Frames to Identify Cell-Phone-Only and Cell-Phone-Primary Households - Anna Fleeman

Session 513: Advances in the Arena of Confidentiality and Data Protection
Organizer: Jonaki Bose, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Chair: Jonaki Bose, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

Application of the Truncated Distributions and Copulas in Masking Data - Rahul A. Parsa, Jay J. Kim, Myron Katzoff
Keywords: truncated triangular distribution, truncated uniform distribution, masking, confidentiality

An Overview of Uncertainty Creation to Protect Statistical Data - Paul B. Massell
Keywords: disclosure avoidance, confidentiality, microdata, noise distributions, uncertainty intervals

Informing Potential Respondents About Disclosure Risk and Survey Participation - Eleanor Singer, Mick P. Couper, Frederick G. Conrad, Robert Groves

Data Access for the National Children's Study: Preliminary Plans - Jennifer Park

Disclosure Review Issues of Genetic Data - Karen E. Davis, Peter Meyer

Session 551: Using the Current Population Survey to Analyze the Labor Force Characteristics of Persons with Disabilities
Organizer: Stephen M. Miller, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair: Donsig Jang, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Statistical Estimation for Persons with Disabilities as Measured in the Current Population Survey - Stephen M. Miller

Labor Force Analysis of Those Identified as Disabled in the CPS - Anne E. Polivka

An Evaluation of Efforts to Use a Work Disability Question to Evaluate the Labor Force Situation of Persons with a Disability - Terence M. McMenamin

The Addition of Questions on Disability to the Current Population Survey - Steven F. Hipple

Session 554: Nonresponse Bias Analysis
Organizer: Shail J. Butani, Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chair: Larry L. Huff, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Assessing the Effect of Calibration on Nonresponse Bias in the 2006 ARMS Phase III Sample Using Census 2002 Data - Morgan Earp, Jaki McCarthy, Nick Schauer, Phillip Kott
Keywords: Nonresponse, response rate, bias, calibration weights

Assessing Nonresponse Bias in the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey - Susan L. King, Boriana Chopova, Jennifer Edgar, Jerey M. Gonzalez, Dave E. McGrath, Lucilla Tan
Keywords: Continuum of resistance, intermittent respondent, missing data, panel survey, proxy nonrespondent

Conducting Nonresponse Bias Analyses for Two Business Surveys at the U.S. Census Bureau: Methods and (Some) Results - Katherine J. Thompson
Keywords: Nonresponse bias analysis, business surveys

Components of Error Analysis in the Current Employment Statistics Survey - Larry Huff, Julie Gershunskaya
Keywords: nonresponse bias, error decomposition, response rate

Session 556: 2007 Census of Agriculture
Organizer: Carol House, National Agricultural Statistics Service
Chair: Mark Harris, National Agricultural Statistics Service

An Overview of Coverage Adjustment for the 2007 Census of Agriculture - Matthew J. Fetter
Keywords: Weight calibration, census, coverage error, regression estimator

Overview of the 2007 Census of Agriculture Methodology - Dave Aune, Chris Messer

Searching for Donors: Refining an Imputation Strategy - Michael Hogye, Peter Quan
Keywords: imputation, donor, donor pool, editing

2007 Census of Agriculture Non-Response Methodology - Will Cecere
Keywords: census of agriculture, non-response adjustment, classification trees

Impact of Outreach Initiatives on the 2007 Census of Agriculture - William Iwig
Keywords: census of agriculture, census outreach, small farms, American Indian agriculture, minority farm operators, census response rates, census coverage

Session 585: The Guatemalan Police Archive Project: Sample Design, Weighting, and Analysis
Organizer: Paul Zador, Westat, Inc.
Chair: Paul Zador, Westat, Inc.

Studying Millions of Rescued Documents: Sample Plan at the Guatemalan National Police Archive - Daniel Guzman, Tamy Guberek, Gary Shapiro, Paul Zador
Keywords: probability sampling, complex sample design, sampling frame, cluster sampling, human rights violations, Guatemalan National Police Archive

Weighting for the Guatemalan National Police Archive Sample: Unusual Challenges and Problems - Gary Shapiro, Daniel Guzman, Paul Zador, Tamy Guberek, Megan Price, Kristian Lum
Keywords: probability sampling, weights, post-stratification, weight trimming, Guatemalan National Police Archive, human rights

A Statistical Analysis of the Guatemalan National Police Archive: Searching for Documentation of Human Rights Abuses - Megan Price, Tamy Guberek, Daniel Guzman, Paul Zador, Gary Shapiro
Keywords: multi-stage sampling, complex sample design, human rights violations, Guatemalan National Police Archive

Session 588: Data User Experience: Working with Data Protected by Synthetic Methods: Moving from Theory to Practice: Synthetic Data in the Public Domain
Organizer: J. Neil Russell, National Center for Education Statistics
Chair: J. Neil Russell, National Center for Education Statistics

Partial Synthesis of the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Database - Simon Woodcock and Gary Benedetto

The Synthetic Public-Use Release of the Longitudinal Business Database - Satkartar Kinney, Jerome Reiter, Ron Jarmin, Arnold Reznek, Javier Miranda, John M. Abowd

Generating Multiply Imputed Synthetic Data Sets for a German Establishment Survey: The Agency's Perspective - Joerg Drechsler

Improving the Usefulness of Synthetic Data: Some Recent Advances - Jerome Reiter

Session 596: Overview of Methods to Improve Quality in Petroleum Data
Organizer: Paula Mason, Energy Information Administration
Chair: James Knaub, Energy Information Administration

Improvement of Data Quality Assurance in the EIA Weekly Gasoline Prices Survey - Bin Zhang, Paula Mason, Amerine Woodyard, and Benita O'Colmain
Keywords: edit, validation

An Improved Imputation Methodology Derived Through Regression Trees - Pedro J. Saavedra, Paula Mason, Benita O'Colmain, Jeffrey Foarde
Keywords: Petroleum, CART, trend adjustments, exponential smoothing

The Changing Petroleum Marketing Industry as Viewed Through an Attribute Frame - Amerine Woodyard, Paula Mason

Improving the Edits in Petroleum Supply Surveys - Jason D. Marley, Paula Mason, Julie Harris

Contributed Papers

Session 33: Variance Estimation in Complex Surveys
Chair: Wendy Barboza, USDA, NASS, RDD

Estimated-Control Poststratified Variance Estimators for Proportions - Jill A. Dever, Richard Valliant
Keywords: poststratification, sampling frame coverage bias, survey-estimated control totals, simulation

Efficacy of Poststratification in Complex Sample D - Ismael Flores Cervantes, J. Michael Brick
Keywords: calibration, stratification, poststratification

Variance Estimation in Complex Surveys with One PSU per Stratum - Harold Mantel, Suzelle Giroux
Keywords: surveys, variance estimation, one PSU per stratum, stratum collapsing

An Investigation of Stratified Jackknife Estimators Using Simulated Establishment Data Under an Unequal Probability Sample Design - Philip Steel, Victoria McNerney, John Slanta
Keywords: jackknife, Tille, Pareto, fpc, unequal probability sampling

Identification of Functional Forms and Predictor Variables in Generalized Variance Functions for Price Indices - MoonJung Cho, John L. Eltinge
Keywords: Degrees of freedom, Design-based inference, International Price Program, Superpopulation model, Variance function model

Developing Guidelines Based on CVs for when One-Year Estimates Can Be Used Instead of Three-Year Estimates in the American Community Survey - Michael Ikeda
Keywords: American Community Survey, One-Year Estimates, Three-Year Estimates, Guidelines

Evaluating the Asymptotic Limits of the Delete-a-group Jackknife for Model Analyses - Phillip S. Kott, Steven T. Garren
Keywords: Calibrated weight, domain, ignorable, linearization variance estimator, model parameter, relative empirical bias

Session 39: Estimation Issues in Surveys of Employment, Income, Inflation, and Health-Related Costs
Chair: Art Kendall, Consultant

Response Analysis Survey: Examining reasons for employment differences between the QCEW and the CES survey - Kristin Fairman, Margaret Applebaum, Chris Manning, Polly Phipps
Keywords: measurement error, survey and administrative data, employment, response analysis survey, data quality

Application of Piecewise Quadratic Density Estimator to OES Wage Data - Teresa E. Hesley, Martha Duff
Keywords: Wage Intervals, Density Estimator, Occupational Employment Statistics

Getting to the Top: Reaching Wealthy Respondents in the SCF - Arthur B. Kennickell
Keywords: Survey field operations, nonresponse bias, paradata, administrative records

The Effect of Late-Filed Returns on Population Estimates: A Comparative Analysis - Brian Raub, Cynthia Belmonte, Paul Arnsberger, Melissa Ludlum
Keywords: non-response bias, post-stratification, Bernoulli, population estimates

An Analysis of e-Commerce and American Consumers - Ephraim Okoro, Mohammad Quasem

An Investigation on Response Rate for Best Survey Estimates of Inflation Expectations - Turknur Hamsici

Session 71: Data Confidentiality, Data Frames, and Variance Estimates
Chair: Frank Potter, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

Toward Quantifying Disclosure Risk for Area-Level Tables When Public Microdata Exists - Tom Krenzke, David Hubble
Keywords: Data matching, confidentiality

Measures of Data Utility for Complex Survey Data - Kyu-Seong Kim
Keywords: Original and protected data, survey weighted, weighted empirical CDF

Investigation of Variance Properties of Noise-Infused Estimates for the Survey of Business Owners (SBO) - Irene Brown, Marilyn Balogh, Anthony Caruso, Beth Schlein, Katherine J. Thompson
Keywords: variance estimation, disclosure avoidance, noise-infusion, random group variance estimator

Data and Metadata from the Terminological Perspective - Daniel W. Gillman, Frank Farance
Keywords: Concept, computational model, datatype, datum, semantics, terminology, ontology

General Discrete-data Modeling Methods for Producing Synthetic Data with Reduced Re-identification Risk that Preserve Analytic Properties - William E. Winkler

GeoFrameTM: A Technological Advancement in Field Enumeration (Part 2) - Joseph P. McMichael, Brian Evans, Leslie Athey

Session 114: U.S. Census 2010, American Community Survey, and Canadian Census of Agriculture
Chair: Stephen M. Miller, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Sample Design for the Census 2010 Experimental Program - Michael Bentley
Keywords: Census 2010, Experiment, Sample Design, Questionnaire

Coverage of the 2011 Canadian Census of Agriculture - David MacNeil
Keywords: Census of Agriculture, Coverage, Register, Non-response follow-up

"You Really Have to Puzzle This Out": Checking Residence and Coverage Duplications on a Census 2010 Questionnaire - Laurie Schwede, Anissa Sorokin, Virginia Wake Yelei
Keywords: Census 2010, Census 2010 Alternative Questionnaire Experiment, Census Coverage, Census Duplication, Census Overcount Question, Erroneous Enumerations

Overview of Evaluations of the 2010 Census Coverage Measurement Program - Mary H. Mulry, Tamara S. Adams
Keywords: census omissions, census erroneous enumerations, net census coverage, 2010 Census Program of Evaluations and Experiments

Missing Data Methods for the CCM Component Error Estimation - Vincent Thomas Mule, Donald Malec, Lynn Imel, Nganha Nguyen, Michael Moldoff
Keywords: Census, Coverage Measurement

Is There an Undercount of Medicaid Participants in the ACS Field Test? - Brett O'Hara

Session 165: Employment and Business Statistics
Chair: Hyokyoung (Grace) Hong, Baruch College

Research on Quarterly Benchmarking forthe Current Employment Statistics Survey - Victoria Battista, Chris Manning, Kenneth W. Robertson
Keywords: Current Employment Statistics, benchmark, wedge, quality, employment, estimation, establishment survey

Using Current Employment Statistics survey data to estimate employment in expanding and contracting establishments: preliminary results and issues - Kenneth W. Robertson, Mike Roosma
Keywords: establishment survey, business employment dynamics

Numbers as pictures: Examples of data visualization from the Business Employment Dynamics program - Charles M. Carson
Keywords: data visualization, graphs, graphics, charts, Business Employment Dynamics, Bureau of Labor Statistics, animation, sparklines, Tufte, Google docs, Trendalyzer

Size Class Dynamics: Small and Large Firms in the 2008 Recession - Jessica Gayle Helfand
Keywords: Size Class, dynamic sizing, recession, recovery, small business, small firms

Improving the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey's Sampling Procedure - Sarah Goodale, Darrell Greene
Keywords: panel sample, post stratification, re-weight, birth sample, birth establishment

The Impact of High Variances at the Lowest Aggregate Levels on the CPI's All-US-All-Items Variance - Owen J. Shoemaker
Keywords: Stratified Random Groups

Dynamics of Business Growth - Carol Leming

Session 167: Advances in Survey Weighting
Chair: Jeri M. Mulrow, National Science Foundation

A Simulation Study of Alternative Weighting Class Adjustments for Nonresponse when Estimating a Population Mean from Complex Sample Survey Data - Brady T. West
Keywords: Complex Sample Survey Data, Unit Nonresponse, Nonresponse Weighting Adjustments, Missing Data

An Evaluation of Weighting Methodology in an RDD Survey with Multiple Population Controls - Kennon R. Copeland, Meena Khare, N. Ganesh, Zhen Zhao, Abera Wouhib
Keywords: ratio adjustment, noncoverage bias, variance

Evaluation of Randomization-Based Estimation and Inference Methods for Survey Data Subject to Nonresponse, Callbacks and Mode Effects - Randall Powers, John L. Eltinge
Keywords: Design optimization, Fixed nonresponse, Gold standard, Main-effects model, Responsive design, Subsampling

An Empirical Study of Nonresponse Adjustment Methods for the Survey of Doctorate Recipients - Fan Zhang, Stephen Cohen, Donsig Jang, Amang Sukasih, Sonya Vartivarian
Keywords: Survey of Doctorate Recipients, nonresponse adjustment, covariate weighting class, propensity weighting class, inverse propensity score

A Simulation Study to Compare Weighting Methods for Nonresponses in the National Survey of Recent College Graduates - Amang Sukasih, Donsig Jang, Sonya Vartivarian, Stephen Cohen, Fan Zhang
Keywords: survey, nonresponse, weight adjustment, weighting cell, propensity model

Overview of Software that Will Produce Sample Weight Adjustments - Michael B. Witt
Keywords: Weights, Weighting Software, Weight Adjustments, Post-stratification, Nonresponse

Design and Weighting Issues for the Dual-Frame Household Panel Survey 'Labor Market and Social Security' - Hans Kiesl

Session 216: Innovations in Imputation Methods
Chair: Paul J. Lavrakas, Consultant

Analyses Based on Combining Similar Information from Multiple Surveys - Georgia Roberts, David Binder
Keywords: Pooling, target population, design-based analysis, model-designbased framework

Performance of Sequential Imputation Method in Multilevel Applications - Enxu Zhao, Recai M. Yucel
Keywords: missing-data, multiple imputation, sequential imputation, hierarchical models, random-effects, clustered data

The Practice of Imputation Methods with Structural Equation Models - Cherie J. Alf, Michael D. Larsen, Frederick O. Lorenz
Keywords: Missing data, full information maximum likelihood, multiple imputation, longitudinal survey

Imputation of Gaps in Transaction Sequences - Robin Lee, Michael P. Cohen, Fritz Scheuren
Keywords: data gap, hot-deck, multiple imputation, Bayesian Bootstrap

Imputation of categorical variables using Gaussian-based routines - Recai M. Yucel, Yulei He, Alan M. Zaslavsky
Keywords: Nominal data imputation, missing data, multiple imputation, missing data software, rounding

Posterior predictive checking of imputation models - Yulei He, Alan M. Zaslavsky

Imputation of Income, Poverty, and Medicaid Status in the Ohio Family Health Survey - Ronaldo Iachan, Bo Lu, Thomas Duffy

Session 273: Estimating and Adjusting for Nonresponse Bias
Chair: James R. Chromy, RTI International

Assessing Nonresponse Bias in the International Price Program's (IPP) Import and Export Price Index Surveys - Jenny FitzGerald
Keywords: Nonresponse Bias, Logistic Regression, Generalized Linear Mixed Model with Random Intercept, Nonresponse Adjusted Sampling Weights, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

Effects of Imputation on CPS Income and Poverty Series: 1981 - 2007 - Joan Turek, Fritz Scheuren, Brian Sinclair-James1 Bula Ghose, Sameer Desale
Keywords: imputation, income, poverty, Current Population Survey, methodology

Modeling Nonresponse and Underreporting in Response in Surveys of Arrestees - Zhiwei Zhang
Keywords: arrestee, bias, crime, nonresponse, survey, underreporting

Analysis of Nonresponse Bias in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project - Barbara Lepidus Carlson
Keywords: Nonresponse, Bias, Attrition, Early Head Start

Effect on Oral Health Estimates of Response Disparities: Results from the Survey of Oral Health Status, Maryland School Children 2005-2006 - Haiyan Chen, Richard J Manski, Ronald R Chenette
Keywords: survey response, oral health

Computing Response Rates for Probability-Based Web Panels - Charles DiSogra, Mario Callegaro
Keywords: Probability-based web panel, mixed-mode, response metrics, cumulative response rate

Effect of Survey Modes on Sampling Design, Coverage, and Nonresponse in Surveys of Veteran and Military Populations - Boris Rachev

Session 317: Methods for Ignorable and Nonignorable Nonresponse
Chair: Jana Asher, Carnegie Mellon University

Nonparametric Estimation of Non-Response Distribution in the Israeli Social Survey - Yury Gubman, Dmitri Romanov
Keywords: survey non-response, item non-response, MAR assumption, sharp bounds

The Rao, Hartley and Cochran Scheme with Dubious Random Non-Response in Survey Sampling - María del Mar Rueda, Antonio Arcos, Raghunath Arnab, Sarjinder Singh
Keywords: Rao, Hartley and Cochran's scheme, Estimation of population total, Random non-response

Propensity Score Methodology for Nonignorable Nonresponse - Leigh Ann H. Starcevich, Virginia Lesser

Responsive Design for Random Digit Dial Surveys Using Auxiliary Survey Process Data and Contextual Data - Sunghee Lee

Propensity Score Matching to Correct Telephone Surveys for Cell Phone Nonresponse - John Bremer

Simulation Studies of a Latent-Class Selection Model for Nonignorable Missing Data - Hyekyung Jung, Joseph L. Schafer, Byungtae Seo

Are We Adjusting Response Rates or Survey Variables? The Effects of Multiple Auxiliary Variables on Nonresponse Adjustment - Frauke Kreuter, Kristen Olson

Session 327: Small-Area Estimation and Coverage Issues
Chair: Tapabrata Maiti, Michigan State University

A Simulation Study of the Distribution of Fay's Successive Difference Replication Variance Estimator - Elizabeth T. Huang, William R. Bell
Keywords: survey variance, degrees of freedom, chi-squared distribution, sample size

Modeling County-Level Vaccination Coverage Rates Across Time - N. Ganesh, Philip J. Smith, Kennon R. Copeland, Kirk M. Wolter
Keywords: EBLUP, NIS, Small Area Estimation

Small Area Variance Modeling with Application to County Poverty Estimates from the American Community Survey - Jerry J. Maples, William R. Bell, Elizabeth T. Huang
Keywords: Generalized Variance Functions, small area estimation

A Small Area Procedure For Estimating Population Counts - Emily Berg, Wayne A. Fuller
Keywords: Small Area Estimation, Benchmarking, Generalized Linear Structural Model

Using Predictive Marginals to Produce Standardized Estimates - Michael B. Witt, Kathryn E. Spagnola
Keywords: Standardization, Predictive Marginals, Military Data, Survey Analysis

Coverage Bias and Sampling Error in a Study Using 1000-Series RDD Sampling - John Hall, Karen Cybulski, Nancy Duda

Session 365: Measurement Errors, Outliers, and Influential Observations in Surveys
Chair: Clyde Tucker, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Effects of Misclassification of Race/Ethnicity Categories in Sampling Stratification on Survey Estimates - Donsig Jang, Amang Sukasih, Xiaojing Lin, Kelly H. Kang, Stephen H. Cohen
Keywords: effective sample size, NSRCG, raking

Estimating Response Bias & Response Variance (Simple & Correlated) from Reinterviews - Dhirendra N. Ghosh
Keywords: Gross discrepancy rate, Index of inconsistancy (IOI)

Using Statistical Models for Sample Design of a Reinterview Program - Jianzhu Li, J. Michael Brick, Bac Tran, Phyllis Singer
Keywords: quality control, falsification, curb stone, rare event

Identifying Outliers When Creating an Imputation Base for the Quarterly Financial Report - Melvin McCullough, Terry L Pennington
Keywords: imputation, outlier

Identifying Sources of Survey Errors: the 2007 Classification Error Survey for the United States Census of Agriculture - Denise A Abreu, Jaki S. McCarthy
Keywords: Reporting Errors, Classification Errors, Reinterviews, Record Linkage

Measurement Error Models for Physical Activity Measures - Nicholas K. Beyler, Sarah Nusser, Alicia L. Carriquiry, Gregory Welk, Wayne Fuller

Effects from Respondent Location on Telephone Survey Estimates - Courtney Kennedy, Stephen E. Everett, Michael W. Traugott

Session 420: Survey Mode Effects and Methods for Asking Sensitive Questions
Chair: Jeffrey Gonzalez, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Survey Mode Effects in Two Military Surveys - Y. Michael Yang, Amy E. Falcone, Lynn M. Milan
Keywords: Mode Effects, Web Survey, Survey Mode

The Franklin's Randomized Response Model for Two Sensitive Attributes - Cheng C. Chen, Sarjinder Singh
Keywords: Franklin's randomized response model, Estimation of proportion, Sensitive attributes, Higher order moments

Response Mode and Bias Analysis in the IRS' Individual Taxpayer Burden Survey - J. Michael Brick, George Contos, Karen Masken, Roy Nord
Keywords: mode, web, nonresponse bias

Mean and Sensitivity Estimation in Optional Randomized Response Models - Sat N. Gupta, Javid Shabbir, Supriti Sehra

Data Collection Mode Effects: Empirical Comparisons Between CATI-Only vs. Mixed Mode in the 2003 National Survey of Recent College Graduates - Zhanyun Zhao, Donsig Jang, Kelly H. Kang

Sample Surveys with Sensitive Questions: A Nonrandomized Response Approach - Guo-Liang Tian, Ming T. Tan, Man-Lai Tang

Looking for a Needle in a Haystack: A Multi-Mode Approach to a Survey of Rare Subpopulations - Mansour Fahimi, Barbara L. Kroner, Anne E. Kenyon, David J. Thurman

Session 421: Developments in Address-Based Sampling and Other Frame and Coverage Issues
Chair: Eric Grau, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc

Using Addresses as Sampling Units in the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey - Greg Norman, Richard Sigman
Keywords: HINTS, Delivery Sequence File, mail survey

Indirect Sampling in Context of Multiple Frames - Manuela Maia, Pierre Lavallée
Keywords: Indirect Sampling, Generalized Weight Share Method, Multiple Frame Surveys

A Comparative Evaluation of Traditional Listing vs. Address-Based Sampling Frames: Matching with Field Investigation of Discrepancies - Jill M. Montaquila, Valerie Hsu, J. Michael Brick, Ned English, Colm O'Muircheartaigh
Keywords: Delivery Sequence File, coverage

Cross-community Comparison and Multi-frame Weighting in REACH U.S. - Peter K. Kwok, Hee-Choon Shin, Whitney Murphy, Colm O'Muircheartaigh, Angela Debelloz, Kari Carris
Keywords: REACH U.S., Address-based sampling, Community-based health program, Multiframe weighting, Pseudo-maximum likelihood, Multiplicity

Operational Results from an Address-Based Sampling Pilot for the National Immunization Survey - Benjamin Skalland, Martin Barron, Karen Wooten

The Use of Address-Based Sampling (ABS) with Multi-Mode Data Collection: The Case of REACH (Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health) US Risk Factor Survey - Kanru Xia, Katie Dekker, Colm O'Muircheartaigh, Youlian Liao

Session 478: Developments in Complex Sample Design
Chair: John M. Finamore, U.S. Census Bureau

Link-Tracing Sampling: Estimating the Size of a Hidden Population in Presence of Heterogeneous Nomination Probabilities - Martin H. Felix-Medina, Pedro E. Monjardin, Aida N. Aceves-Castro
Keywords: chain-referral sampling, design-based estimator, maximum likelihood estimator, profile likelihood confidence interval, snowball sampling, Wald confidence interval

Adjusting Sampling and Weighting to Account for Births and Deaths - Lawrence R. Ernst, Randall K. Powers, Andy Sadler, Dave Slack
Keywords: Sampling frame, continuing units, modified frame, probability proportional to size sampling

Sample Design and Estimation of Volumes and Trends in the Use of Paper Checks and Electronic Payment Methods in the United States - May X. Liu, Geoffrey R. Gerdes, Darrel W. Parke
Keywords: Ratio estimator, auxiliary variables, item nonresponse, imputation, sample design

PPS Network Sampling with Partial PSU Replacement - Monroe G. Sirken
Keywords: finite population corrections, psu size measures, sampling small populations

Longitudinal Surveys versus Continuous Surveys and Surveys with Flexible Periodicity - Dhiren Ghosh, Andrew Vogt
Keywords: dynamic sampling, small samples, indices

An Application of Two-Way Stratification Procedure for Selection Under Three-Way Stratification - Kadaba P. Srinath

A Russian Invasion, Skeptical Villagers, and Controversial Elections: The 'Power' Plays Faced by Randomized Impact Evaluations in Developing Countries - Celeste Tarricone

Session 479: Analysis of Complex Survey Data
Chair: Yves Thibaudeau, U.S. Census Bureau

A Study of the Composite Estimator for Change Rate - Dong-Yun Shin, Heungsun Park
Keywords: panel data, overlapped samples, relative-error

A Simulation Study of Treatments of Influential Values in the Monthly Retail Trade Survey - Mary H. Mulry, Broderick Oliver
Keywords: M-estimation, Clarke Winsorization, outliers

An Estimation Procedure for the New Public Employment Survey Design - Yang Cheng, Casey Corcoran, Joe Barth, Carma Hogue
Keywords: survey design, model-based estimator, regression, stratification, and optimum allocation

Multiple Imputation for Missing Items in Multi-Section Questionnaires - Rong Liu, Joseph L. Schafer

A Bayesian Approach to Predicting the Electoral Vote Totals for the 2008 Presidential Election - Steven E. Rigdon, Sheldon H. Jacobson, Edward C. Sewell, Wendy K.T. Cho, Christopher J. Rigdon

Election Day 2008 Voter Scorecard - Kate Hobson, Edward Mulrow, Hee-Choon Shin, Fritz Scheuren

Session 519: Imputation Case Studies
Chair: Mandi Yu, FDA

Methods for Analysis of Recall of Fires in a Retrospective Survey - Michael A. Greene, Craig D. Andres

Developing Macro Edits for the Census and Annual Survey of Governments Finance - Loretta A. McKenzie, Terri L. Craig, Jennifer N. Whitaker
Keywords: Macro edits, Hidiroglou-Berthelot Edit

Empirical Evaluation of Imputation Methods on Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) Data - Marek W. Kaminski, Vinod Kapani
Keywords: Employment imputation, wages imputation, simulation of missing data, ratio method, nearest neighbor method, percent relative error, influential observations

Imputation Variance Estimation by Multiple Imputation Method for the National Hospital Discharge Survey - Qiyuan Pan, Iris Shimizu
Keywords: Health care survey, hot-deck imputation, complex sample survey

Evaluation of Alternative Imputation Methods for the Public Libraries Survey (PLS) - Irene Brown, Terri L Craig
Keywords: Imputation, Cell boundaries

Session 567: Policy-Impacting Estimation Issues
Chair: Iris Shimizu, National Center for Health Statistics

A Three-Phase Model of Census Capture - Douglas Olson
Keywords: Census coverage measurement, logistic regression modeling

The Impact of Allocations as a Tool for Statistical Editing of Corporate Taxpayer Administrative Records - Marty Harris
Keywords: Allocations, Data Editing, Corporate Tax Returns

Do Products Offering Expedited Refunds Increase Income Tax Non-Compliance? - Karen Masken, Mark Mazur, Joanne Meikle, Roy Nord

Assessing the Effects of Imputation on Income Estimates in the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey: Comparison with the Current Population Survey - William D. Passero

Trends in Early Childhood Vaccination Coverage: Progress Toward U.S. Healthy People 2010 Goals - Zhen Zhao, Philip J. Smith, Elizabeth T. Luman

Session 569: Microarray Analysis and Missing Data
Chair: Tao Liu, Brown University

A Random Pattern Mixture Model for Longitudinal Binary Outcome with Informative Dropouts - Chengcheng Liu, Wensheng Guo, Sarah Ratcliffe

Outfluence: The Impact of Missing Values - Ofer Harel

Multiple Imputation for Drop-Out in Longitudinal Studies - Xiaodong Li, Jingchen Liu, Naihua Duan, Huiping Jiang, Jeffrey Lieberman, Ragy Girgis

Multiple Imputation in Right-Truncated Multivariate Normal Distribution, with Applications to RT-PCR - Abhijit Dasgupta, Terry Hysolp, Scott Waldman

Robust Variable and Model Selection with Missing Data - Greg DiRienzo

Session 571: Improvements in Sample Design for Government-Sponsored Surveys
Chair: Sarjinder Singh, Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Achieving the Unique Objectives of the Canadian Health Measures Survey - Sarah Maude Dion, Suzelle Giroux

Sample Redesign of Canadian Local Government Surveys - James Ahkong, Martin Renaud
Keywords: Lavallée-Hidiroglou algorithm, take-all stratum, take-some stratum, PPS sampling, municipalities

Reducing the Public Employment Survey Sample Size - Joseph James Barth, Yang Cheng, Carma R. Hogue
Keywords: Sample design, establishment surveys, probability proportional to size

National Sample Reallocation for the Occupational Employment Statistics Survey - David Piccone, Marie C. Stetser
Keywords: Establishment survey, sample, Occupational Employment Statistics, power allocation

Progress on the Redesign of the Quarterly Tax Survey - Amy Couzens, Carma Hogue, Paul Villena
Keywords: Questionnaire Design, Survey Improvements, Imputation, Editing

Exploring Statistical Issues of Annual Sampling for the Current Population Survey - Reid Rottach, Antoinette Lubich, Benjamin M. Reist
Keywords: dynamic sampling, second-stage sample selection, 2010 Sample Redesign

Evaluation of Methods for Increasing Precision in DAWN: Stratification and Ratio Estimation - Peter Frechtel

Invited Posters

Disclosure Limitation Techniques for Tabular Data - Joe Fred Gonzalez, Jr.
Keywords: confidentiality, SDL, avoidance techniques

Contributed Posters

Why is Survey Research 20 Years Behind? - Robert E. Fay
Keywords: cognitive psychology, cognitive interviewing, behavioral science, epistemic rationality, Acquired Soft Science Aversion Disorder

Pretesting 2010 Census Questionnaires for People with Atypical Living Situations - Jennifer Hunter Childs, Dawn Norris, Nathan Jurgenson

Are Do Not Include Statements Helpful? - Monica Dashen
Keywords: Questionnaire Design or Survey Methods

Visualization of Complex Survey Data: Regression Diagnostics - Susan Hinkins, Edward Mulrow, Fritz Scheuren
Keywords: Complex survey design, inverse sampling, regression diagnostic plots

Variability in Life-Table Estimates Based on the National Health Interview Survey Linked Mortality Files - Van Parsons, Nathaniel Schenker, Kimberly Lochner, Gloria Wheatcroft, Elsie Pamuk
Keywords: Balanced Repeated Replication, Variance Estimation

Model-based Methods in Analyzing Complex Survey Data: A Case Study with National Health Interview Survey Data - Rong Wei, Van Parsons
Keywords: general linear mixed models, multilevel modeling, design-based

Estimating the Variance of Between-Year Change in Domain-Level Totals - Kimberly Henry, Valerie Testa, Richard Valliant
Keywords: Horvitz-Thompson estimator, stratified Bernoulli sampling, poststratification, Taylor series approximation

Characteristic Function for the Truncated Triangular Distribution - Jay J. Kim, Myron Katzoff, Rahul A. Parsa
Keywords: masking, multiplicative noise, moment

Alphabetical Placement in Surveys of Persons at Institutions - A Simulation Study - Pedro J. Saavedra, Francine Barrington
Keywords: Alphabetic Sampling, Bias, Simple Random Sampling, Simulation

Reproducing Nonresponse Adjustments in Replicate Weights - Pedro J. Saavedra, R. Lee Harding
Keywords: Jackknife, Propensity Categories, Variance Estimation, Weight Adjustments

Towards a Uni ed Framework for Inference with Aggregated Relational Data - Tyler H. McCormick, Tian Zheng
Keywords: Aggregated relational data, Latent space models, Social networks

Missing Data and Complex Samples: The Impact of Listwise Deletion vs. Subpopulation Analysis on Statistical Bias and Hypothesis Test Results when Data are MCAR and MAR - Bethany A. Bell, Jeffrey D. Kromrey, John M. Ferron
Keywords: survey research, complex samples, missing data, variance estimation

Sampling Weights for Analyses of Couple Data in Demographic and Health Surveys - Stan Becker, Bryan Sayer
Keywords: survey methodology, demographic surveys, data analysis

Issues Associated with Measuring Activities Associated with Seeing and Hearing Across National Surveys - Frances M. Chevarley, David W. Keer, Barbara M. Altman
Keywords: MEPS, NHIS, MCBS, disability, activity limitations, seeing, hearing, blind, deaf, NHDR

Confidence Intervals for Radio Ratings Estimators - Richard Griffiths
Keywords: Confidence Intervals, Wald, Clopper-Pearson, Wilson Score, Coverage Probability, Radio Ratings, Empirical Study

Papers Presented at the 64th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research
May 14-17, 2009
Hollywood, FL

A Comparison Study of Exit Poll Methodologies between Taiwan and the U.S. - Ge Tang, Yeh-Diing Wang, Rene Bautista
Keywords: Exit poll, comparison study, Taiwan

A Meta-analysis of Within-Household Respondent Selection Methods - Ting Yan
Keywords: within-household respondent selection methods, meta-analysis, demographic representativeness, cooperation rates

Analyses for Partnerships Based on the Census Barriers, Attitudes, and Motivator Survey - Mary H. Mulry, Timothy P. Olson
Keywords: 2010 Census, Integrated Communications Program, social marketing, word-of-mouth campaign, CBAMS

Applying Incentives to Establishment Surveys: A Review of the Literature - Sarah Cook, Patricia LeBaron, Laura Flicker, Timothy S. Flanigan
Keywords: Establishment, incentive, response rate

Are Polls Becoming Equal? - Dan Cassino, Krista Jenkins, Peter J. Woolley
Keywords: IVR technology, RDD, partisan polls, standards, survey accuracy, CATI polls

Asians - are they the same? Findings from cognitive interviews with Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese Americans - Hyunjoo Park, Virginia Wake Yelei
Keywords: cognitive interview, American Community Survey, translation, multilingual and cultural issues

Assessment of Potential Bias in the National Immunization Survey (NIS) Estimates using Data on Telephone Status from the 2007 NHIS - Meena Khare, Abera Wouhib, James A. Singleton
Keywords: Weighting, propensity score models, RDD telephone survey

Blue and Red Counties in the 2008 Presidential Election: An Analysis of Intracluster Correlation - Bonnie E. Shook-Sa, Vincent G. Iannacchione
Keywords: Political Polarization, Cluster Analysis, 2008 American National Election Time Series Study

Building A New Foundation: Transitioning to Address Based Sampling After Nearly 30 Years of RDD - Michael W. Link, Gail Daily, Charles D. Shuttles, Tracie L. Yancey, H. Christine Bourquin
Keywords: Address Based Sampling, random digit dialing, multimode survey

Cell Phone Reverse Directories - Promise or Peril? - Sarah Dipko, Krista Freedman
Keywords: Cell phones, reverse directories, advance notification, sample purging

Cognitive testing as a method of pre-testing questionnaires in high and low context cultures - Hyunjoo Park, M. Mandy Sha, Yuling Pan
Keywords: Cognitive interview, Cultural differences, Korean

Combating Telephone Fatigue After Multiple Waves: Testing Prepaid Incentives and a Hard-Copy Questionnaire in a Telephone Survey of Youth With Disabilities and Their Parents - Anne Kenyon, Lynn Newman, Suzanne Triplett, Anne-Marie Knokey, Kathryn Valdes, Helen Smith
Keywords: Telephone, survey, longitudinal, nonresponse

Comparing an Internet Panel Survey to Mail and Phone Surveys on Willingness to Pay for Environmental Quality: A National Mode Test - Burke D. Grandjean, Nanette M. Nelson, Patricia A. Taylor
Keywords: Internet panel survey, contingent valuation, willingness to pay, air pollution, ozone, national park

Consistency Analysis and Panel Blending - Steven H. Gittelman

Conveying Translated Informed Consent Concepts: Effects of Language and Culture on Interpretation of Legally Required Messages - Yuling Pan, Ashley Landreth
Keywords: informed consent messages, survey participation, translation, language and culture

Current Practices in Cognitive Interviewing - Johnny Blair, Pat Dean Brick
Keywords: Cognitive interviewing, best practices, probing methods, think aloud

Do We Hear Different Voices?: Investigating the Differences Between Internet and non-Internet Users On Attitudes and Behaviors - Chan Zhang, Mario Callegaro, Melanie Thomas, Charles DiSogra
Keywords: digital divide, non-internet households, probability-based online panel, KnowledgePanel

Does Prefilling Responses on a Longitudinal Establishment Survey Stem Sample Attrition? - Geraldine M. Mooney, Melissa Krakowiecki, Deborah Trunzo
Keywords: Sample attrition, longitudinal surveys, establishment surveys

Effects of Differential Branding on Survey Materials - Nicole Bensky, Gretchen Grabowski, Justin Bailey, Chuck Shuttles, Michael Link
Keywords: mail materials, design

Expanding the Use and Applicability of Cognitive Interviews in Research - Gretchen Grabowski, Justin Bailey, Nicole Bensky, Michael Link
Keywords: Cognitive interviewing techniques, interview style, probing, mail materials, incentives

Hanging by a Thread: the Telephone Interviewers Tell (Their) Story - Gabriella Fazzi, Fabrizio Martire, Maria C. Pitrone
Keywords: Interviewing, interviewers, survey research - telephone

Health Status Measurement via Event History Calendars vs. Conventional Questionnaires: "Long Time, No Status Change" - Debra R. Miller, Clarissa R. Steele, Ipek Bilgen, Robert F. Belli
Keywords: event history calendar, standardized conventional questionnaire, verbal behavior coding

How Does the French Culture Impact the Translation of Survey Materials? - An Examination of French Translations for a U.S. Survey - Erica Saleska, Dr. Musindu Kanya-Ngambi, Herman A. Alvarado
Keywords: French, translations, cognitive interviews

Improving the Utility of Imputed Values in Survey Datasets - David R. Johnson, Rebekah Young

Internet Usage Research: Comparing Household Expectations and Concerns - Yvonne Olivares, Susan Baylis, Rosemary Holden
Keywords: Internet research, trust, expectations, participation

Interviewer Characteristics, their Doorstep Behaviour, and Survey Co-operation - Jennifer Sinibaldi, Annette Jäckle, Sarah Tipping, Peter Lynn
Keywords: interviewers, personality, response propensity

Language, Culture, and Respondent Knowledge: Findings from the Cognitive Test of the Spanish Translation of the American Housing Survey - George R. Carter III, Alisú Schoua-Glusberg, M. Mandy Sha
Keywords: translation, cognitive interviewing, respondent knowledge, housing, mortgages, income

Life360: Usability of Mobile Devices for Time Use Surveys - Jennie W. Lai, Lorelle Vanno, Michael W. Link, Jennie Pearson, Hala Makowska, Karen Benezra, and Mark Green
Keywords: smartphone, digital ethnography, mobile survey, Internet survey

Messaging to America: Results from the Census Barriers, Attitudes and Motivators Survey (CBAMS) - Nancy Bates, Frederica Conrey, Randy Zuwallack, Darlene Billia, Vita Harris, Linda Jacobsen, Tanya White
Keywords: Decennial Census, audience segmentation, campaign messaging

Mode Choice in a Longitudinal Mail, Web, and Telephone Survey - Martha D. Kovac, Barbara Rogers, Geraldine M. Mooney, Deborah Trunzo

Modeling the Need for Traditional vs. Commercially-Available Address Listings for In-Person Surveys: Results from a National Validation of Addresses - Colm O'Muircheartaigh, Ned English, Michael Latterner, Stephanie Eckman, Katie Dekker
Keywords: Delivery Sequence File, Address-Based Sampling, General Social Survey

Monitoring Field Interviewer and Respondent Interactions Using Computer-Assisted Recorded Interviewing: A Case Study - Susan Mitchell, Kristine Fahrney, Matthew Strobl
Keywords: Computer audio-recorded interviewing, CARI, interviewer behavior coding

Multimode Strategies for Designing Establishment Surveys - Shelton M. Jones
Keywords: Response rates, mode choice, mode preference, survey design

Multi-Mode Surveys Using Address-Based Sampling: The Design of the REACH U.S. Risk Factor Survey - Martin Barron
Keywords: REACH U.S., Address-Based Sampling, Multimode Surveys

Obtaining Responses by Mail or Web: Response Rates and Data Consequences - Glenn D. Israel
Keywords: Response rate, Internet, mode effects, Extension, satisfaction

Panel Conditioning and Attrition in the AP-Yahoo! News Election Panel Study - Yelena Kruse, Mario Callegaro, J. Michael Dennis, Charles DiSogra, Stefan Subias, Michael Lawrence, Trevor Tompson
Keywords: election, Internet panel, KnowledgePanel, attrition, conditioning

Personal Contact and Performance Base Incentives - Two Approaches to Raise Long-term Panel Compliance and Reduce Missing Data - Ana P. Melgar, Matt Walker, Jeff M. Scagnelli, Michael W. Link
Keywords: Long term panel compliance/cooperation, incentives

Presentation of a Single Item versus a Grid: Effects on the Vitality and Mental Health Scales of the SF-36v2 Health Survey - Mario Callegaro, Jeffrey Shand-Lubbers, J. Michael Dennis
Keywords: grid, matrix, single item per screen, Cronbach's alpha, SF36v2, KnowledgePanel

Refined or Biased Opinions? Examining Self-selected Participation in Deliberation and Post-survey in On-line Deliberative Polls - Rui Wang, Alice Siu
Keywords: Nonresponse, panel attrition, Deliberative Polls, on-line survey

Relationship between Portrayals of VA Hospitals in the Media, and Employee and Patient Satisfaction: An Exploratory Analysis - Katerine Osatuke, Jonathan Fishman, Scott C. Moore, Sue R. Dyrenforth
Keywords: Public perception, media, healthcare, VA hospitals

Respondent Effects Associated with Questionnaires Designed to Accommodate Survey Processing - Deborah H. Griffin, Sandra L. Clark
Keywords: Data Collection, Data Processing, Quality

Spanish Respondent's Choice of Language of Survey Materials: Bilingual or English Only? - Norman Trussell, Michael Link, Justin Bailey, Lorelle Vanno
Keywords: Bilingual Materials, Choice of language, audience measurement, media behavior

The challenges of locating young adults for a longitudinal study: Improved tracing strategies implemented for the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, Wave IV - Amanda Meehan, Erica Saleska, Marjorie Hinsdale-Shouse, Nick Kinsey, Casey Tischner
Keywords: Locating, Longitudinal, Tracing

The Effect of Email Invitation Customization on Survey Completion Rates in an Internet Panel: A Meta-analysis of 10 Public Affairs Surveys - Mario Callegaro, Yelena Kruse, Melanie Thomas, Poom Nukulkij
Keywords: Internet panel, email invitation, email subject, completion rate

The Effect of Interview Experience on Follow-Up Response Propensity in a Longitudinal Survey - Matt Sloan, Debra Wright
Keywords: Disability, Longitudinal Survey, Response Propensity

The Effects of Incentives on the Consumer Expenditure Interview Survey - Karen L. Goldenberg, David McGrath, Lucilla Tan
Keywords: Incentives; longitudinal survey; panel design

The Language and Behaviour Profile as a Nonresponse Tool - Dr. Pamela C. Campanelli, David C. Klaasen
Keywords: Doorstep Introductions, Interviewers, Reducing Nonresponse

The Use of Cognitive Interviewing to Explore the Effectiveness of Advance Supplemental Materials among Five Language Groups - Anna Y. Chan, Yuling Pan

The Use of Vignettes in Evaluating Multilingual Questionnaires1 - M. Mandy Sha, Yuling Pan
Keywords: Translation, cognitive interviewing, vignettes, language and culture, multilingual questionnaires, cross-cultural survey methods

To Link or Not to Link?: Exploring Approaches to Maintaining American Community Survey Response Rates During Census 2010 - Laurie Schwede, Anissa Sorokin
Keywords: American Community Survey, Response Rates, Color on Envelopes, Census 2010

Undercoverage Analysis in Surveys Using Telephone Exchange Information - Ting Yan, Wei Zeng, Zhen Zhao
Keywords: undercoverage, NIS, telephone-exchange information

Using Contact Attempt History Data to Determine the Optimal Number of Contact Attempts - Adam Safir, Lucilla Tan
Keywords: Contact history, data quality, field operations, level of effort, and paradata

Using Respondent Prediction Models to Improve Efficiency of Incentive Allocation - Morgan S. Earp, Jaki S. McCarthy
Keywords: Nonresponse, response rate, bias, incentives

Using Verbal and Paralinguistic Behaviors to Explain Variation in Responses to Self-Reported Health Questions - Dana Garbarski, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Jennifer Dykema
Keywords: self-reported health, interaction coding, interviewer-respondent interaction, cognitive ability, health, response latency, uncertainty, speech tokens, disfluencies of speech, paradigmatic question-answer sequence

Vignettes in Cross-Cultural Cognitive Testing: Adaptation for Spanish-Speaking Respondents of Lower Educational Levels - Patricia Goerman, Matthew Clifton
Keywords: Vignettes, Bilingual cognitive testing methodology, Spanish survey research

Web of Caring: Development of Web Survey Best Practices - Janice Ballou, Brian Roff
Keywords: Web survey, paradata, survey methodology

When a Face Doesn't Launch a Thousand Ships: Including a Personalized Image on a Mail Questionnaire - Kathy Sonnenfeld, Raquel af Ursin, Barbara Lepidus Carlson, Susan Sprachman
Keywords: Image, incentive, gift card, response rate, verification questionnaire, bilingual

When easy doesn't do it: An attempt to simplify a mailed diary survey - Justin T. Bailey, Gretchen Grabowski, Michael W. Link
Keywords: response rates, respondent burden, mail surveys

Who are You?: A Data Mining Approach to Predicting Survey Non-respondents - Jaki S. McCarthy, Thomas Jacob
Keywords: Agricultural Survey, Classification Tree, Establishment Survey, Non-response, Paradata